Monday, April 23, 2012

Red Amaranth

Last week at the farm, they had some red amaranth. I was like, red what? It looked like some red weeds to me. I asked the lady who was running the show how you use them, and she said to just add it to your salad, but make sure to put some lemon juice with it to break up the bitterness of the leaves. So I did. I added it to our salad and it sure did make it look pretty.

It didn't make the salad taste any different than it normally does. I was intrigued by this new leaf. I looked it up online and discovered that in some places it is, in fact, a weed, but it is edible and people in Asia eat it. You can sautee it or just eat it raw. I figure it has to be good for you because of the color. They say purple and red foods have antioxidants in them, so I assume that would be true for this guy.

That's one thing I really like about getting my produce from the farm. I get to try all sorts of new things and learn how to cook with them. It's a culinary adventure!

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