Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Silly Chicken

While we were on vacation, we had a friend watering our plants and taking care of our chickens. She would come by once a day and make sure the chickens had food and water and collected the eggs. When we came back, we were unloading everything and putting stuff away when Craig noticed there were 2 eggs in our bike trailer. He thought we had put them there. We had not.

We were a bit baffled, but took the eggs inside and put them in the fridge. The next day I looked out my kitchen window and saw one of the chickens in the trailer laying an egg. I took a picture through the window because I thought it was funny. It seems that this chicken kept squeezing through the gate and laid eggs here while we were gone. It makes sense, since usually the dogs are back there and keep them from coming through the gate. Our dogs were in a kennel, so they had free reign back there.

Chickens are so weird.

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