Friday, January 18, 2013

The rock situation

We got a handle on the rock situation!! With spring coming, I was getting anxious to get rid of these rocks so I could plant a garden in that spot. A friend of mine gave me the great idea to post an ad on Craig's list. So I did. It said, "Free Decorative Rock. You come and haul away." Amazingly, we got several responses right away. One lady came with her sons and took a truckload and it hardly made a dent. I was discouraged after that. But we listed the ad one more time and another lady came and took the rest over the course of 3 days! They took their last load this afternoon. The area now looks like this:

It was amazing because we didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to hire some one to haul them away and we helped a lady landscape her yard. It doesn't get any better than that! Now this weekend we are hoping to pull up all that plastic and start tilling some manure into that spot so it will be ready by planting time. I'm in awe that we were actually able to do this so quickly. I figured we wouldn't have a big garden for a while, but I guess where there's a will there's a way.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story!!!!!! Situations like this make me deliriously happy!
